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Shortcuts in Android Studio for Android Developers - ABNHive

I hope these shortcuts will definitely help you to increase the productivity level.

Shortcuts in Android Studio for Android Developers - ABNHive

  • Search for command: cmd + shift + a (Windows / Linux: ctrl + shift+ a) You just type: close and you’ll get a proper shortcut/command.
  • Choose from the last copy / pastes : cmd + shift + v (Windows / Linux: Ctrl + Shift + v). By default, there are 5 last copy/paste items.
  • Enable mulmulti cursorature: ctrl + g (alt + j for Windows / Linux).
  • Open a class: cmd + o (Windows / Linux: ctrl + n).
  • Open any file: cmd + shift + o (Windows / Linux: ctrl + shift + n)
  • Open symbol: cmd + option + o (Windows / Linux: alt + shift + n).
  • Go to implementation: cmd + option + b (Windows / Linux: ctrl + alt + b).
  • Go to declaration: cmd + b (Windows / Linux: ctrl + b). 
  • Go to type declaration: control + shift + b (Windows / Linux: ctrl + shift + b). 
  • Go to super: cmd + u (Windows / Linux: ctrl + u). 
  • Move between tabs: cmd + shift + [ (move left) or cmd + shift + ] (move right) (Windows / Linux: alt + ← / →).
  • Move between Design / Text tabs in layout’s view:  control + shift + ← / → (Windows / Linux: alt + shift + ← / →).
  • Close a current tab: cmd + w (Windows / Linux: ctrl + F4).
  • Hide all windows: cmd + shift + F12 (Windows / Linux: ctrl + shift + F12).
  • Minimize Android Studio instance: cmd + m (Windows / Linux: ctrl + m).
  • Format your code: cmd + option + l (Windows / Linux: ctrl + alt + l).
  • Auto-indent lines: control + option + i (Windows / Linux: ctrl + alt + i).
  • Implement methods: control + i (Windows / Linux: ctrl + i).
  • Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type): control + shift + space (Windows / Linux: ctrl + shift + space).
  • Find: cmd + f (Windows / Linux: ctrl + f).
  • Find and replace: cmd + r (Windows / Linux: ctrl + r).
  • Move hardcoded strings to resources: option + return (Windows / Linux: alt + enter)
  • Build and run: ctrl + r (Windows / Linux: shift + f10).
  • Override methods: ctrl + o
  • Show project: alt + 1
  • Show logcat: alt + 6
  • Build: ctrl + f9
  • Expand all: ctrl + shift + +
  • Delete line : cmd + delete or cmd + backspace
  • Duplicate line/selection : cmd+d
  • Issue quick fix : alt + enter
- Aswin Bhim Nath


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